
92-52-4 ,Biphenyl ,active API chemical, Pharmaceutical level, supplier from China, buy now

$20.00 $10.00

92-52-4 ,Biphenyl ,active API chemical, Pharmaceutical level, supplier from China

SKU: 92-52-4-Biphenyl-active-API-chemical-Pharmaceutical-level-supplier-from-China Category: Tags: ,


This is a pharmaceutical level API chemical. Supplying from China. Please talk to us before purchasing to confirm stock and delivery time. Thank you.

Diphenyl Mixture
Diphenyl Mixture
Aromatic hydrocarbons, biphenyl-rich
Biphenyl rich aromatic hydrocarbons
Distilled hydrodealkylized toluene

Biphenyl appears as a clear colorless liquid with a pleasant odor. Flash point 180°F. Insoluble in water. Vapors are heavier than air. Used to manufacture other chemicals and as a fungicide.


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