Function ONE: micro mineral testing
A well balanced micro elements in human body is vital to your health and general well-being because these elements play key roles in metabolism. They regulate growth, development and functioning of the immune and the reproductive systems.

Compact, easy to deploy.
Equipt with a thermal printer.
28 test results
Digital monitor
Usually, to check wheter you have enough micro elements, blood testing is necessary. However, with the all-in-one intellegent tester we have in our store. Pharmacy store are able to condust this test and give potential customers a printed tested result in one minute.

With the test result, pharmcy stores can pursuade customers to buy all kinds of supplements. The feedback from many pharmacy stores tell us that, with this machine, they success rate to sell products has increased significantly.
Function TWO: Osteoporosis diagnosis
On the other hand, Osteoporosis has become a major concern for aging people now. Most people above 40 years old have been educated about the danger of Osteoporosis.

An Osteoporosis diagnosis machine at your store would be a major attraction because everyone want to run a bone density scan. After getting the scan result, people would need to buy Calcium supplements and Vitamin D and others.